Who We Help

We work with providers and professionals (Private Practice, Business Owners, etc.) who are EXCEPTIONAL at what they do in their chosen field of expertise. They are driven to connect with and serve those who need their services, and they are serious about connecting with more clients, they are:

✅Mental and Behavioral Health Practitioners

✅Specialty Healthcare Providers (e.g., Primary Care, Psychiatric/TMS, Foot & Ankle, Chiropractic, etc)

✅Coaches and Consultants

✅Assessment and Evaluation Professionals (Psychological, Forensic, Education, etc.)

Our mission is to increase awareness of and access to life-affirming and life changing services. That means we are invested in YOUR success! Whether you work as a solo private practitioner, a partnership or group practice, or if you are a leader for a large clinic, department, or treatment center, we would love to connect and make a plan to identify and deliver new clients to you today!


Give us a call

(612) 446 - 0053

Send us an email


© 2021. All rights reserved by Lux and Arbor LLC.